Pricing & Plans

Get started with our free plan and get 5000 requests / month for free. Or pick a plan below. All plans can be canceled, downgraded or upgraded at any time.


Best for hobby projects

$0 /mo

Buy Free

What's included

  • 5.000 Searches
  • 1 Concurrent Requests
  • Private Use
  • HTTPS Encryption
  • Self-Service Onboarding
  • E-Mail and chat Support


For small projects

$45 /mo

Buy Developer

What's included

  • 60.000 Searches
  • 1 Concurrent Requests
  • Commercial Use
  • Service Level Agreement
  • HTTPS Encryption
  • Concierge Onboarding
  • Personal Support


For professional projects

$75 /mo

Buy Small

What's included

  • 200.000 Searches
  • 3 Concurrent Requests
  • Commercial Use
  • Service Level Agreement
  • HTTPS Encryption
  • Concierge Onboarding
  • Personal Support


More concurrency

$240 /mo

Buy Large

What's included

  • 1.900.000 Searches
  • 5 Concurrent Requests
  • Commercial Use
  • Service Level Agreement
  • HTTPS Encryption
  • Concierge Onboarding
  • Personal Support

High volume plans

We also provide yearly discounts for our high volume plans. Simply drop us a note via email if you are interested. If you require a volume that is larger than our enterprise plan, contact us for a quote.


All features of very large

$800 /mo

Buy Large

What's included

  • 10.000.000 Searches
  • 10 Concurrent Requests
  • Custom Features

Very Large

All features of very large

$2000 /mo

Buy Premium

What's included

  • 40.000.000 Searches
  • 20 Concurrent Requests
  • Custom Features


All features of very large

$3000 /mo

Buy Professional

What's included

  • 70.000.000 Searches
  • 50 Concurrent Requests
  • Custom Features

Need more?

Contact us for a quote or view our high volume plans.

Choose us

Why Worldpostallocations?

We have been in the geo-data industry for many years and have plenty of experience.

We have become the preferred partner for companies reaching from startup to Fortune 500 enterprise.

High Quality Data
Worldpostallocations features premium data from several sources. All data has been tested and enriched.
Maximum Speed
Our zip code API is powered by strong infrastructure to ensure fast response times in realtime.
Highly Scalable
Worldpostallocations always provides you with enough performance, no matter how high your volume might be.
Only pay what you need. Choose between our free or custom plan and let our servers do the work.

Frequently asked questions

Still unsure? Talk to us!

Do not hesitate to contact us! We are available through the following channels:

Customer Chat or Contact Form